Monday, October 13, 2008

... muy bueno que me pase!

-- suele pasar!~!~!~!

-- :) --

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You r something ...

I've always liked you ---

You come and go ---

I always wanted to ---

It was never the moment --

... or the place --

... or the reason ---

I CONFESS -- u make me wanna make a mistake --

did i???

Its no longer a yes or no answer --

I do not regret it ---

I loved it -- (and thats the problem)

It was worth it --- but unfortunately you are not!

You keep calling -- and i should keep my position -- NOT let u in!

No matter what u think! --

Dejarlo del tamanio que esta -- !

Am i crazy?

Will this continue?

Doe this story has an end?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today`s quote ---

You may be guided to leave a job, a city, or even a relationship -

all of wich may sound terrifying at the moment. (it does)

Nevertheless, if the signals keep coming and they resonate internally with you,

take the step - and while doing so, know that you are being guided to a life of inspiration!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Mas clara que nunca ...

Si aun quedaba alguna duda --- ya no queda NADA

Estoy mas clara que nunca --

De haber pasado lo que por mi cabeza paso --- no me lo perdonaria ... no lo resistiria!!

Al ver lo que acabo de ver -- me doy cuenta de que NO! - it's sooo wrong!


...and By the way -- Girls Just wanna have fuuuunnn!!!

Ps: y como que ya van demasiados post sobre esto -- hhhmmm - Circulo Cerrado!!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I miss us---

I miss ur words of wisdom ---

I miss ur silly jokes ---

I miss how u make me laugh --

I miss our long talks ---

Last night i realized --- i miss u in my life!!

It was nice to c uuuu grongooo - and i luv u too!! --

... more than u can ever know!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Es evidente que eres un error...

Pero sigues en mi mente ---

Te sigo pensando ---

Me averguenza admitir que fuiste el motivo --- (para que me invitas??-- para que insistes??)

Y YA no lo seràs ---

No te mencionarè --

Para mì no estaràs allà --

-- Los errores no se eligen ... para bien o para mal -- pero en este caso si puedo elegir--

NO -- NO --- NO --- dejalo ir -- que importancia tiene???

Admito que he estado pensando contrario a mis principios ---

Pero sin principios -- que final se puede tener? --

Seguiràs en teorìa -- y yo en pràctica ... para mi bien!!!

PS: -- lo que pasa es que a mi ego le gusta como te gusto -- y quizas por eso "me gustas"!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fue un placer volverte a ver...

Why is the answer to my how....! I dont know if i made myself clear right there.....but i understand....and thats the point. Sometimes i tend to reject reality... and my reality at the moment is what does not allow me to approve what im thinking (feeling?). My question lingers...what the hell is this? Im not quite sure....and i shouldnt find out....which is kinda hard. Its funny how sometimes u get urself in some situations in which u cannot control urself....or what u do....or what u say ..or what u think. And thats freaking me out. I know exaclty what i should do....i really do...and i will ...

...Cerrar cuando alguien excede mis limites!!!...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Te vi de nuevo...

Y la pelea continua...

Para descubrir si lo que siento tiene sentido...!!!

Quien ganara?

Friday, June 13, 2008

I would like ...

To see you again---

Que vaina!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Vienes y vas --

Traes diversidad a mis pensamientos --

Tienes ese efecto en mì---

Me encanta la manera en que lo expresas--

Tienes la capacidad de desviarme de mi camino-- pero solo por un momento!

No eres lo que busco ... pero si alguien especial--

Te necesito pero no te quiero---

---o quizas te quiero!

Siempre has existido---

Quisiera jugar tu carta--

--- Quiero verte de nuevo!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Que no bebes nada de alcohol???

....Cuando la pregunta deberia ser...por que bebes??


"Las adicciones de todo tipo son vehiculos en los cuales uno se embarca para llegar a un lugar mas elevado, mas placentero, mas pacifico mas sintonizado y afin, y asi sucesivamente. Pero si usted ya esta alineado con esta energia, entonces es obviamente innecesario subirse a bordo de ningun vehiculo para dirigirse al lugar en donde reside actualmente..."

Cita: Dr. Wayne

Avisame cuando llegues....pues ya estoy aqui...!!!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Documento enviado hoy...

Si esta para mi....esta para mi!!!


I'll let you know....!!

The Secret

Every night before you fall asleep, give heartfelt thanks for the wonderful day you just had (no matter what kind of day you had). Think about the next day, and intend that it is going to be wonderful. Intend that it is going to be the best day of your life. Intend that it is going to be filled with love and joy. Intend that all good is coming to you and everything is going to flow perfectly, etc. Then when you wake in the morning, BEFORE you get out of bed, again declare your intentions for the day and give deep thanks as though you have received them all. As you do this, you will begin to create your life deliberately, and you will experience firsthand the power that is within you to create the life you want.

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